HSC E-Paper vol.204-活動訊息
【2024陳紹馨社會學講座 2024 Chen Shao-hsing Memorial Lecture】
講題:Transformation of the Intimate and Public Spheres in Asian Modernities: Integrating Life and Care into Society and Social Sciences
主講人:落合惠美子 OCHIAI Emiko(京都產業大學教授 Professor, Kyoto Sangyo University)
主持人:藍佩嘉 LAN Pei-Chia(台大社會系教授 Professor, National Taiwan University)
Neither life nor care have been treated properly either in society, or in the social sciences, which are akin to self-portraits of the former. This has been the author’s core research concern for more than twenty years. The author’s most recent book (親密圏と公共圏の社会学Sociology of the Intimate and Public Spheres) proposes a framework to integrate life and care into social theory by combining historical, demographical and Asian perspectives. The author’s key concepts are the “familialization of care” and the “defamilialization of care”: these occurred at the beginning and end, respectively, of the “short 20th century” in Europe and North America when the “20th-century system of social reproduction” had become firmly established. Within the three major sectors of the system, the family was assigned the function of human reproduction, while the other sectors, the state and the market, were freed from it. Life and care became invisible in the public sphere, leading to their values being neglected or underestimated, just like natural resources such as water or air are in the context of environmental issues. This process can be called the “familialization of care”. The “defamilialization of care” occurred when the “20th-century system of social reproduction” was shaken up after the 1970s. Measures for the “defamilialization of care” differed by society type and policy decisions. The next issue is the fate of care provision systems in East and Southeast Asia, which went through a compressed modernity. The lecture will focus on the part of the book that analyzes complicated processes of the familialization/defamilialization of care in various societies in the region amid salient gender role changes and fertility decline. It will deal with two challenges at the same time: how to integrate life and care into social theory, and how to apply the theory of the familialization/defamilialization of care in an Asian context.
